September 16, 2016

How to Reduce Age Spots

reduce age spots with lemon

Let’s face it: no one wants to get older. But, we don’t have a lot of choice in the matter. If you’re noticing the dark blotches and sun spots that come with a life lived fully, there are a few methods you can use to reduce age spots, and possibly eliminate altogether.

Natural Remedies to Reduce Age Spots:

Lemon Juice

That same citric acid that gives lemon juice its tart taste also works as a bleaching agent for the skin (and makes you smell lemony fresh!).

Try mixing lemon juice, sugar and olive oil together to make an all-natural scrub for use on age spots and blemishes. Let the scrub sit for five minutes before rinsing with cold water.

You may also apply lemon juice directly to the affected areas and wait 30 minutes before rinsing with cold water. If you have sensitive skin, you’ll want to dilute the juice with water prior to applying.

Follow this routine twice a day, and you should begin to see results in a month or two.

WARNING: Lemon juice will make your skin more sensitive to the sun, so be sure to finish this treatment and rinse your skin well before going outside.

Castor Oil

Yes, you can get castor oil that doesn’t smell terrible. Derived from castor beans, this oil is known for combating the signs of aging. Simply apply castor oil directly to your age spots and massage into the area until absorbed. For extra hydration, or if you have dry skin, add a little coconut oil into the mix.

Do this twice a day, and you’ll begin to see results in a month.

Aloe Vera

It’s common knowledge that aloe vera is good for burns and hydration. But did you know aloe vera has powerful healing properties and aids in skin regeneration? This plant is great for eliminating brown spots, especially those caused by sun exposure.

Fresh aloe gel is the best, but if it’s not readily available, you can use aloe vera juice sold in stores. Apply the gel (or juice) to age spots, allow to rest for 30 minutes and rinse with cool water.

Again, use this technique twice a day and you should notice improvements within a month.


Here’s another natural solution that’ll leave you smelling great! Sandalwood is an anti-aging agent and antiseptic that helps reduce hyperpigmentation (aka brown spots). There are three approaches you can take when using sandalwood for anti-aging purposes.

  1. Combine two tablespoons sandalwood powder, two teaspoons rose water and one teaspoon each glycerin and lemon juice. Apply the tincture and allow to dry. Wash off with cold water. Repeat a few times a week until your brown spots disappear.
  1. Mix one tablespoon orange juice, one teaspoon lemon juice and the contents of two vitamin E capsules into two tablespoons of sandalwood powder. Smear paste onto age spots and leave it on for about half an hour before washing off. Do this a few times a week until you see improvement.
  1. Massage the affected area with a few drops of sandalwood oil mixed into one tablespoon of olive or almond oil. Apply at bedtime and allow to absorb overnight.

Follow this regimen and you should see a noticeably different appearance of age spots in as little as six weeks.


This tropical fruit contains enzymes that help to reduce the appearance of age spots and blemishes. However, some people with sensitive skin may have an allergic reaction to treatment with papaya. It’s recommended that you do a 24-hour patch test prior to slathering up. If you’re good to go after a day, make a paste of raw papaya and rub onto your skin. Wait 20 minutes and then rinse with cool water. If done twice a day, you should begin to see results in two months.

Scientific Breakthroughs to Reduce Age Spots


Hydroquinone is the most common and scientifically proven bleaching agent on the market. It’s available over-the-counter and in prescription strength. You must exercise caution when using this product, as it may be irritating to sensitive skin. Exposure to sunlight will make hydroquinone less effective. Talk to your doctor before beginning treatment and do not use if you are pregnant or nursing, have liver or kidney disease, or are allergic to any drugs. Hydroquinone works quickly, and you should notice improvement in just a few weeks.

Kojic Acid

A by-product of fermented rice, Kojic acid is the second-most common bleaching agent and is much gentler on skin. It works by penetrating the upper layers of skin and hindering production of epidermal melanin. Because it inhibits melanin production, it’s much easier to get sunburned when using Kojic acid, so be sure to use plenty of sunscreen. Kojic acid has been known to yield results in two to three months, but may cause irritation or allergic reactions in people with sensitive skin.


Arbutin is a naturally occurring alternative to hydroquinone. In fact, it slowly releases hydroquinone through hydrolysis. It’s also typically much safer and gentler on your skin, yet still delivers very effective results. Clinical studies have shown that 71% of test subjects saw good to very good outcomes in three months.


Retinol is part of the family of vitamin A derivatives that also includes tretinoin and retinaldehyde. By triggering cell division, retinol hastens cell turnover and exfoliation. It also enhances collagen production, which reduces the appearance of wrinkles as well as age spots. Like many scientifically formulated anti-aging serums, retinol may cause skin irritation. It’s recommended that you begin at a low strength and work your way up to a higher concentration.

Salicylic Acid

Like retinol, salicylic acid is a chemical exfoliant. It removes dead skin cells so that new skin can shine through. Salicylic acid also fights inflammation, helping to reduce redness and swelling. Plus, it can dissolve oil, unclog pores and soften thick skin. All these attributes work together to improve skin tone and texture, reduce fine lines and make age spots and wrinkles less noticeable.

However you choose to fight aging, be sure to listen to your body. If your skin becomes red, itchy or inflamed, discontinue use and consult your doctor.

And remember, the best thing you can do to combat any signs of aging is to take care of yourself mentally, emotionally and physically by sticking to an exercise routine, staying hydrated, getting plenty of sleep, eating well, and avoiding the sun.

Learn More.
