October 06, 2020

5 Best-In Season Fall Fruits

As the days get shorter and the weather gets cooler, five fabulous (and healthy) fall fruits are coming into season. Find out more about these fruits and how to add them your diet:

  1. Apples. Apples have long been linked to good health (an apple a day, anyone?). Apples are packed with vitamin C and antioxidants. They are also a great source of both insoluble and soluble fiber. Put away the peeler and enjoy the fruit whole, skin included. The skin of an apple contains most of the vitamins and fiber. Wash the fruit thoroughly before eating.
  2. Pears. Pears are the perfect treat for your sweet tooth. In addition to tasting great, they are full of fiber, vitamin C and potassium (a mineral necessary for a healthy heart, muscles, nerves and more). Replace the jelly in your peanut butter sandwich with thin slices of pear, or add pear slices to a tossed green salad.
  3. Cranberries. Cranberries are low in calories, low in fat and cholesterol free. Like pears, cranberries are a fantastic source for fiber and of vitamin C. They can also keep your urinary tract healthy. The next time you make a salad, throw a handful of cranberries in for an extra bit of sweetness. Or use cranberries to make your own trail mix (include dried fruit, grains, nuts and some dark chocolate).
  4. Pumpkin. A Halloween favorite, pumpkins are for more than just carving. They are incredibly rich in antioxidants and vitamins. Pumpkins are also very low in calories. Try mixing pumpkin puree with low-fat vanilla yogurt and low-fat granola for a quick and delicious snack. And don’t forget the pumpkin seeds. They are full of protein. Roast them in the oven for a nutritious snack.
  5. Grapes. Grapes boast their best flavor in fall. Grapes are a good source of vitamin K, vitamin C, antioxidants and resveratrol, an anti-inflammatory compound that helps keep your skin looking young. Enjoy grapes quick, easy and portable snack. Pack some for school or work. Just rinse and enjoy!

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